I find watching honest-to-goodness arguments exhilarating. People can become soap opera stars/imaginative storytellers/assholes during a fight, sure, but sometimes the truth is under those layers and I find that kind of cold water refreshing. I particularly love that moment in which a heated argument starts to toe the line of comedy, and the participants have to decide whether or not to laugh. LAUGHING AND SCREAMING AT THE SAME TIME! It’s so human it’s basically a chocolate chip cookie.
ANYHOO. I had the pleasure of making this particular argument with my friend and (brilliant) dance partner, Connor Schwantes, and with the technical help of the great Natalie Deryn Johnson, a bonafide expert in living life to the fullest. Working with these two made a fast and furious process feel almost leisurely, and to dance with Connor is to remember why I like to boogie so much in the first place-- because it's fucking fun. Peep the goodness (and enjoy, especially, Connor’s shit-eating-grin right there at the end):
Credit Schmedits:
Filmed by Natalie Deryn Johnson
Danced by Connor Schwantes and Kristin Yancy
Music: Cowboy Bebop OST 1 (1998), by Tank!