I feel that it is impossible to write on this topic. It does not feel like my place, nor my right. I'm not sure if I am even capable of articulating the incredible heaviness, the sensation that we are all lost, and hopeless in our lostness- and I think this is called despair- that I experience when I think about this moment in history. It exhausts my soul. And if this is how I feel, it can be only a tiny fraction, if that, of the weariness felt by the survivors of this cruelty.
It is good, then, that the following video needs no introduction. It is the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time, and the sound of her voice, the power of her storytelling, and the ripple effect of one small, good deed in the face of incomprehensible evil-- these things are nothing short of miraculous to me.
I am reminded that everything, everything counts.
This is just one of an incredible series of interviews that are part of the #HUMAN series. Together they make up three full length films. To see these and other excerpts, check out the official YouTube channel here.