inspiration board


Another throwback this week, this slice of heaven is an afternoon in the sun, a beautiful pair of shoes, a cold martini, and a serene pool of water. It's glamorous, the makers are banking on that I'm sure, and that catches my eye immediately. Marion Cotillard is a stunner. But what keeps me watching is the strangeness here, the awkward beauty, the moments where the rules are broken. I've said it before, but I love beauty when it's strange.

I'm also obsessed with underwater shoots, and one day I've gotta do it. Thank God they make you wait for it here, so it's quite literally a cool splash of water.

Movie Trailers: Andrea Tarkovskiy's "Stalker"

Can I just start by confessing that I have never seen Tarkovskiy's 1979 film Stalker? But I found this trailer while searching for some visual examples for a project I'm working on and I have to say: these shapes are beautiful.

[If you're caught up in the title, it should be pointed out that this is a science fiction drama in which the term "Stalker" is used to describe a "guide" who escorts individuals to and across the border of the "Zone," a restricted and dangerous area, where access is forbidden and therefore illegal.]

The first time I watched it, I watched it with the sound off. To be honest, I don't love the track, but the whispering gives me the tingles. My big thought is this: It's witchy and wonderful and reminds me a bit of what we were going for with the trailer for The Hunt. The fact that I'm seeing it a year later is only adding fuel to my fire that it's time to revisit my coven...

Click play below for a 2:40 experience.

David Byrne: On True Surround Sound

This is a bit of a throwback, as this exhibition opened in 2009 while I was bopping around a college campus, reading books and living off dumplings, a good four years before I started to think about what it might mean to be "fully" immersed in a piece of art. David Byrne, meanwhile, was attaching an old pump organ to the literal bones of the Roundhouse for the UK premiere of "Playing the Building," an experience which expands, literally, what it means to "play." 

I've always thought that buildings had distinct personalities. David Byrne taught this one how to sing. 

On The Many Versions Of The Same Face

I have been chewing on the thought lately that we're all just variations on a nose, eyes, and a mouth. That our faces are actually not so different from other faces. That we're actually each part of a chain of faces-- and then how many chains can there be, really?

Maybe it's connected to that daily sensation of being one in the great mass. A small fish, still searching for my rainbow scales.


Inspiration Board: Femme Formulas

Thinking in shadows and strong silhouettes.