You'd be hard pressed lately to make it through a week, maybe even a single day, without running into the relevant (but, can I say it, tired? to me at least, it's right up there with talking about the weather) and passionately discussed issue of technology and how it is influencing our every move (often with a negative bent).
No one's wrong. But what I find more interesting --than the conversation about how technological advances are just one more way in which millennials will ruin our weary, polluted world-- is the intersection of creativity in technology and in the arts. Again, some bad, and some good, but I think change is often the challenge an artist needs. Creativity begets more creativity, said Maya Angelou and a million other people, and it applies.
Take, for instance, the below video. I like it as a conversation starter. Because it is beautiful, like something out of a dream, and a strange visual illusion, like the stairs that go up and down in a never ending circle. And here is my question. That is a gorgeous, human mover. Are you watching him? Is a harmony, between digital image and (a)live performance, achieved?