black and white film

Movie Trailers: Andrea Tarkovskiy's "Stalker"

Can I just start by confessing that I have never seen Tarkovskiy's 1979 film Stalker? But I found this trailer while searching for some visual examples for a project I'm working on and I have to say: these shapes are beautiful.

[If you're caught up in the title, it should be pointed out that this is a science fiction drama in which the term "Stalker" is used to describe a "guide" who escorts individuals to and across the border of the "Zone," a restricted and dangerous area, where access is forbidden and therefore illegal.]

The first time I watched it, I watched it with the sound off. To be honest, I don't love the track, but the whispering gives me the tingles. My big thought is this: It's witchy and wonderful and reminds me a bit of what we were going for with the trailer for The Hunt. The fact that I'm seeing it a year later is only adding fuel to my fire that it's time to revisit my coven...

Click play below for a 2:40 experience.